Wednesday, 21 April 2010


I'd like to welcome you to Diabolical Discourse.

Our aim is to provide events, lectures, and talks in the north of England featuring prominent members of the magical, mystical, and occult communities. For some time has the south held somewhat of a monopoly on all things wyrd and wonderfvll, and it is our hope to offer a little balance. Based at the seat of Demdike's hills, our purpose is to provide a haven for the discussion, enjoyment, and celebration of all that is magick.

Following a period of gestation, Diabolical Discourse burst forth on the 1st of April, 2010, with a little help from Michael Staley. A prominent member of the Typhonian Order, Michael has been Kenneth Grant's publisher for many years, is the editor of the well-respected journal Starfire, and is the founder of Starfire Publishing Ltd. Needless to say his lecture, Scintillations in Mauve: An Introduction to the Work of Kenneth Grant, was superb, a combination of knowledge and understanding, personal insight and experience, related in a wholly personable, witty, and thoroughly charming manner. The event was incredibly well supported with a wonderful crowd whose travels had brought them from literally all over the north of England. The pub was pretty good to!

Now sparked into life following a fantastically golden dawning, it is our intention to keep running apace. Further events are already in preparation, and updates will be posted as and when they arise.

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